What you Need to Know about your Grinder Pump

How Do Grinder Pumps Work
Grinder pumps work like a garbage disposal for your sewer. They grind up the sewage in the wastewater flowing from the building and then push it out to the main city sewer line leading to the water treatment plant. Most homes and businesses don’t need a grinder pump because they are situated in such a way that gravity pulls the wastewater out of the plumbing system and into the city sewer system. However, for homes and businesses built on ground that is lower than the city sewer system or your city uses a pressurized sewer main, a grinder pump is needed to push the sewage uphill so it will reach the main sewer line.
This equipment serves an important function and if they break down, it can create a variety of problems for your home or business.
How to Tell If You Need Grinder Pump Repair
Grinder pumps are usually placed in a wastewater holding tank and buried on your property. Because you can’t see the pump, it can be difficult to determine when you require grinder pump repair, but there are a few simple things you can listen for to find out if your pump is in proper working order.
You may need repair services if:
- The motor is going on and off every few minutes
- The pump doesn’t shut off at all
- The pump won’t start
- The pump throws the switch on the breaker box when it starts
- An audible or visual alarm is noticed
These are all signs that the pump is wearing out and you need to get grinder pump repair as soon as possible.
Your grinder pump plays an important role in the sanitation of your home or business. However, if you want to protect it, you need to be careful what you put down the drain. Items that can clog the pumps and cause them to be ineffective are:
- Diapers
- Sanitary pads
- Baby wipes
- Cotton balls
If your grinder pump is acting up, GC Plumbing is here to help. You can count on us for high-quality workmanship and outstanding customer service.
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